Monday, February 7, 2011

Social NetWorld

Picture this:  Im on my main computer in the living room, my wife is on the computer on the breakfast nook in the kitchen, and my eldest daughter is on her laptop in between us.  We're all on Facebook.
So my daughter uploads a video, I watch it and Like it, and she gets a notice of my Like.  She looks over at me and starts laughing.  My wife also watches it from the kitchen.

Honestly, this is the first time we are all doing this at the same time (honest).  It seems kinda weird but what if this becomes a normal part of homelife in a couple of years?

Once my wife and I were chatting with each other online while only 10 feet apart.  It was short and sweet but probably more silly than anything.

Sometimes when I eat out with friends, we text or BB each other from across the table.  What is the world coming to?  Have you ever done this or are my friends and I psycho?

My 11 year old daughter keeps asking me for a FB account cause "all" her friends have one.  I told her to wait till shes 13.  I think the old-school side of me wants her to run and play (literally) like kids her age should do and not spend anymore time in front of a computer than she already does with homework and games.

Connectivity is the key to understanding today's world.  It's all about who you can add and who adds you.  It's kinda like dating backwards.  Add now, learn about each other later.  What about friendship?  Forget it, some post more on their FB accts than they tell their boyfriends or girlfriends.  On the web, all are equal.  What I mean is-the information is for all to see provided they are added.  There's no level 1 friends, or neighborhood friends, or best friends.
There's no turning back kids, lets continue to add one another and post our daily experiences in hopes that someone will accept us or read into our lives. 

So wether you're on the other side of the world, or in the next room, msg me and I'll try to reply!



  1. That's funny Jeff. I know what you mean though. I'm adapting - not gonna fight this movement. I notice that Fred and I connect throughout the day because we bb (blackberry) each other. We don't wait for the end of the day to know what's going on with each other.

    When the blackberry came out, Jacqueline and Sydney played with the phones and texted each other - it's the best way to keep them from fighting and to give me some time for peace and quiet.

    Helen Nishihira

  2. Hey Mr Sanch! I enjoyed reading your blog! Come check out mine at to blogging! - Maria
