Sunday, September 24, 2023

Nick n Riss 9/23/23

 Today I give away my Firstborn Daughter.

I'm not nervous, scared, or sad...I'm more excited than anything. This is a first for me and my family as is with my soon to be in laws.

I couldn't ask for a better son-in-law, a better extended family, nor a better way to make it official. The island-style setting of Hawaii makes it all so much more warm (no pun).

Another first is my wife and other 5 children getting all dressed up and beautiful. Helping my youngest son Jaden with his tux was very meaningful. Seeing my youngest girl Miley in a formal dress was breathtaking. My 2 girls Miyah and Missy were stunning and my wife was as beautiful as she has always been. My eldest son Jeff was one of the groomsmen and he was handling details as I would have been doing.

Rissa...I had no words for...she was perfect.

As I stand here in the hotel lobby waiting for our shuttle to the venue, I pray for the Lords guidance for today and for the days to come. he is my strength and calm.

My family grows, I'm a bit wiser, and I look forward to this next chapter in our lives!!